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What are you waiting for...Buy some for yourself!

Even Wonder Woman needs to stop and smell the roses between saving the world! Who told you that the only way to receive a bouquet of flowers was through a man, your birthday, or special occasion?
Buy some flowers for yourself today! Go to your local farmers market or favorite grocery store. Okay... Maybe you don't care for flowers, how about a potted plant or those nifty bamboo reeds? You want a guaranteed pick-me-up, buy yourself something floral and take a big whiff! It's sure to re-energize any minute of your day. Celebrate YOU right now, this very minute and grab some green!
Tip! - If you happen to grace yourself with some roses, after admiring them for a few days, pull a few petals off and left them dry in a fabulous basket or favorite trinket holder. The scent will remind you of why you bought them in the first place and bring you some instant joy for those stressful moments.


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